Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Giants Game

 Last Sunday we were lucky enough to get some free, last-minute tickets from Marcus's dad to the Giants game. They already clinched the NL West, so the game didn't really matter (which was good, because we lost!) but we had a great Sunday afternoon watching the game!

Second row behind the visitor's dugout!!

When we were walking to the park, we saw that Off the Grid was at AT&T Park!!! We've been wanting to go to it for a while so we were excited, and I was starving ;)

So.     many.
Food Trucks!!!!

We were too hungry to remember to take pictures before we started eating, so this looks a little gross.. But we got Mexican-Asian fusion food that was soooo good! Marcus got a pork and fried rice burrito with lots of Sriracha [Sirach, as he calls it] ! And I got a duck taco with mango salsa, and a pork taco with some yummy stuff on top (I have no clue what it was...)!

Not a bad view!! 
Mmmm garlic fries! Don't judge us for how much ketchup we use....

Free Cracker Jacks to anyone who can catch them... which was not us... :(

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