Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Giants Game

 Last Sunday we were lucky enough to get some free, last-minute tickets from Marcus's dad to the Giants game. They already clinched the NL West, so the game didn't really matter (which was good, because we lost!) but we had a great Sunday afternoon watching the game!

Second row behind the visitor's dugout!!

When we were walking to the park, we saw that Off the Grid was at AT&T Park!!! We've been wanting to go to it for a while so we were excited, and I was starving ;)

So.     many.
Food Trucks!!!!

We were too hungry to remember to take pictures before we started eating, so this looks a little gross.. But we got Mexican-Asian fusion food that was soooo good! Marcus got a pork and fried rice burrito with lots of Sriracha [Sirach, as he calls it] ! And I got a duck taco with mango salsa, and a pork taco with some yummy stuff on top (I have no clue what it was...)!

Not a bad view!! 
Mmmm garlic fries! Don't judge us for how much ketchup we use....

Free Cracker Jacks to anyone who can catch them... which was not us... :(

"Studio" Garage Remodel

For the past 11 months, Marcus and I have been living in my parents dusty, cold garage. We are finally getting some dry wall, insulation, a ceiling, and carpet put in so the garage will be like a REAL room!

We can't wait to see how the little remodel turns out, but here is a little preview of how our garage studio looks "before".

And DURING....

Next Up: We are priming/painting the room ourselves this week, and then moving all our stuff back in! Woo!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Last week.

Lena's luau birthday party, where I chose to wear a muumuu.

New Obsession: Salted Caramel Macaroon from Pamplemousse.

Surprise firework show on our way home from the Garlic Festival.

Fat beagle baby sulking on the couch.

Homemade steak and whole wheat pasta salad for lunch.

Ugly bar cart from goodwill, soon to be refinished.

Driving range with M and Sylvia!

2 year anniversary date to the melting pot.

Monday, July 23, 2012

2 years.

Today is our 2 year anniversary! 

I am so lucky to have a guy like Marcus who is sweet, patient, kind, funny, creative, and spoils me rotten :)

Celebrating at our 3rd Outside Lands together.

I love you babe!!!!!